Plastic materials: Directly on ABS, SAN after cleaning, possibly including mechanical cleaning, and on PP after flaming with an oxidizing flame.
Comp. A : UV5L0255 100 parts by weight Product ready for use. If needed: Diluent : 10002AE 10 parts by weight
1,07 kg/lt (± 0,02)
13” (± 1) ASTM 4 at 25 °C
51% (± 1)
Before UV curing, make sure the solvent is completely evaporated (Flash-Off with IR lamps for 3-4' at 50 °C). Use an ultraviolet (UV) lamp system for industrial curing that generates radiation in the 200-400 nm range with a power of 120W/cm. Such radiation must be properly focused on the workpiece. The curing time of UV coatings may vary from plant to plant.
2 coats
15 - 20 µm
Not recommended
Strictly follow the instructions on the labeling and in the safety data sheet.
In unopened and sealed packages, not exposed to the sun and kept at a temperature of +5 to +30 °C. Rev.: 06/22 The data and information contained in this sheet are the result of our experience and accurate laboratory tests. However, since the painting process represents a set of operations that are beyond our control, they do not therefore guarantee, in any way, the final performance of the cycle.
The data and information contained in this sheet are the result of our experience and accurate tests and laboratory tests.
However, since the painting process is a set of operations that are beyond our control, they therefore do not constitute, in any way any form of guarantee on the final performance of the cycle itself.
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