Dustproof impregnating agent for concrete substrates. Anchor on iron surfaces, galvanized iron, aluminum, brass.
Concrete surfaces built at least four weeks ago: Always check residual moisture content (? 3% by weight) before painting. Moisture could also rise from the base by capillarity. Perform the “plastic sheet test” (2m x 2m polyethylene sheet taped to the concrete surface to be painted): the sheet must remain in place for at least 24 hours. This makes it possible to detect any rising vapor that would condense on the sheet. In the case of particularly smooth surfaces (resulting from finishing treatments, for example, with a concrete helicopter), it is recommended to roughen (with processes such as grinding, sanding, sandpapering, etc.) and eliminate any kind of contamination (fats, oils, acids, cracks, cavities, etc.) that may preclude or affect paint adhesion. Iron surfaces: SA2 grade sandblasting, or thorough mechanical cleaning followed by degreasing with solvents.
Comp. A: 101.00001 100 parts by weight Comp. B: CZ.105 or CZ.110 20 parts by weight Comp. A: 101.00001 5 parts by Volume Comp. B: CZ.105 or CZ.110 1 part by Volume Mix until the color and consistency are uniform. After catalysis, dilute 50% - 60% with our D.150epoxy thinner.
0,97 Kg/L(± 0,05)
10” - 15” (± 2) ford 4 at 25 °C
20% (± 2)
Dry dust-free - Print-free: 4-5 hours. 15’ - 20’ - Print-free 3 - 4 hours Drying 24 - 36 hours at 20 °C
2 coats.
15 - 20 micron
9 m2/Kg-Lt at 20 microns dry
6 hours. The pot-life decreases at higher temperatures (1) Calculated in non-absorbent flat surface. Yield on mineral substrates is highly variable and depends on substrate absorption.
After 2 to 3 hours and within 12 hours with epoxy enamels series 193 - 190 or series 112.
Strictly follow the instructions on the labeling and in the safety data sheet.
The storage room must be dry and with a temperature between +10 °C and +35 °C. Rev.: 03/22 The data and information contained in this sheet are the result of our experience and accurate laboratory tests. However, since the painting process represents a set of operations that are beyond our control, they do not therefore guarantee, in any way, the final performance of the cycle.
The data and information contained in this sheet are the result of our experience and accurate tests and laboratory tests.
However, since the painting process is a set of operations that are beyond our control, they therefore do not constitute, in any way any form of guarantee on the final performance of the cycle itself.
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