Especially suitable for BC 1K and 2K such as K.374 and K.773 in combination with aluminum or mica pigments. Used to achieve special shades and iridescence (yellow-blue flip-flop effect) typical of automotive and cycle/motorcycle finishes.
Prepare the enamel in the required resin and color following the Colortech formulation. Mix thoroughly by hand for quantities less than or equal to 1 Lt with stirrer for larger volumes. Usage ratio: Converters 1K (374 - 922 - K.EFT) MAX up to 3% Converters 2K (374 - 773) MAX up to 5% NOTE: Not suitable for pastel colors. P.995 paste has no covering power.
Store away from heat sources in suitable rooms and at temperatures between 0 and 35 °C. Close containers carefully immediately after use. Always stir thoroughly before use. Rev.: 09/22 The data and information contained in this sheet are the result of our experience and accurate laboratory tests. However, since the painting process represents a set of operations that are beyond our control, they do not therefore guarantee, in any way, the final performance of the cycle.
The data and information contained in this sheet are the result of our experience and accurate tests and laboratory tests.
However, since the painting process is a set of operations that are beyond our control, they therefore do not constitute, in any way any form of guarantee on the final performance of the cycle itself.
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