The substrate should be free of any kind of surface contaminants, (grease, traces of oxidation, residues of waxes or polishing pastes, residues of substances from galvanic baths, etc.) so it should be treated with appropriate cleaning methods.
Comp. A : 803.14063 100 parts by weight Diluent : D.850/D.880 20 - 30 parts by weight In special cases, to eliminate distension defects, peel, bubble formation, replace part of the thinner (5%) with retardant 10304R. Various dilutions are possible, depending on the working temperature, but especially depending on the application system (manual or electrostatic).
0,97 Kg/Lt (± 2)
21” +- 2 at 20 °C ASTM 4
33% (± 2)
Dry dust-free - Print-free: 4-5 hours. 15’ Forced drying 30’ at 140 °C Or 25’ at 150 °C
A cross coat .
15 - 20 Micron dry
35 Gloss (± 2)
Wet-on-wet or after complete baking, after sanding NOTE: If necessary, the paint can be colored with our 50100M series color concentrates at the rate of 1-3% referred to 100 parts of undiluted paint. Larger additions are also possible, however, we recommend preliminary testing of the suitability of the complete cycle before moving to industrial-scale production. Possible application with preheater (40 °C); in this case we recommend the use of D.880 thinner in the amount of 8 - 12% Recommended baking times and temperatures refer to the temperature of the metal to be painted.
Strictly follow the instructions on the labeling and in the safety data sheet.
In unopened and sealed packages, kept at a temperature of +5 to +30 °C. Rev.: 04/22 The data and information contained in this sheet are the result of our experience and accurate laboratory tests. However, since the painting process represents a set of operations that are beyond our control, they do not therefore guarantee, in any way, the final performance of the cycle.
The data and information contained in this sheet are the result of our experience and accurate tests and laboratory tests.
However, since the painting process is a set of operations that are beyond our control, they therefore do not constitute, in any way any form of guarantee on the final performance of the cycle itself.
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